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UPDATE: Bossman – No Hands Freestyle (Wale Diss); Wale Responds

Everybody knows I’m impartial, whether we’re speaking on a DC artist or not. With that said….no, Bossman. You get no soup for this one.
Update: Spotted on Rap Attack:
WHAT HAPPENED? Wellll…We knew this was coming after both Wale & Bossman performed last thursday at a Baltimore Club. The Rap Attack Crew was at the show and there was definitely something wrong. Wale had technical difficulties on stage and dropped the mic after performing only ONE song (Wale says he was contracted to HOST, not PERFORM). As Wale was leaving he was visibly irritated and barely stopped to acknowledge a few fans. Sources say he and Bossman exchanged a few words and sooooo….Bossman’s “No Hands” Wale Diss!!
This is what Wale had to say about the beef:
Only at home..cn u c somebody n the club.say wassup…givem props..thn they write “diss” records? all good ..its the penalty of leadership
Interesting, I guess its safe to say Wale won’t be making a diss record of his own!!
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