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DMX Says That He Has A Baby (His Twelfth) On The Way


I didn’t watch the interview in full, but apparently, Dr. Phil grilled DMX about having (soon to be) 12 children without the proper time and money:

How many kids do you have?
[I have] 11 [children]. And one on the way.

Why are you having so many children?
I’m not having the children. I’m giving them the children. They’re well taken care of. I’m a big influence in all of their lives. I love all of my children. I do see them and speak to them when I can. I do have a relationship with my children. I would never be apart [from] my children’s lives.

Doesn’t it get expensive?
Yes it does, and time consuming. If you can provide and be there for them, then you should have them.

Are you $1.23 million behind in child support?
Yes I am, and the reason being is at the time I was making $13 million a year. So, if I’m making $13 million then I can pay that, but I haven’t made that in about 10 years so of course I’m behind in payments, but the children are taken care of.

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