Sonia Rai is a 24 year old girl from Boston, MA that was diagnosed with leukemia. For those who aren’t aware, leukemia is a serious cancerous disease of the blood and bone marrow that affects hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Sonia is currently undergoing a rigorous chemotherapy and it is so crucial that she find a bone marrow match in the next few months. It takes 20,000 people to register to find 1 match. Sonia’s current preferences come for a South East Asian or Caucasian person, but the sad reality of the situation is that there are only 2% of South East Asians registered. It is now time for all of us to make a difference and be the change we wish to see. Registering is as simple as giving a cheek swab and filling out a form.
A small-but-committed group of writers, bloggers and videographers that (mostly) exist and function all over the D.C. Metro area.