The quick explanation was originally him tweeting about suddenly being admitted to a hospital. By the time I came across this, a full update was already available (after the jump).
We received a call from hospital staff filling us in on 50′s condition. Fif traveled to London on business and while there he ate some Jamaican food and an apple. On the way to the airport he fell ill and couldn’t keep his food down. He drank some water afterwards and headed to the airport to catch his flight. On the plane he ate a meal without incident. After landing at JFK he headed straight to his office, stopping along the way to grab a burger and some fries, which after eating made him ill again. After being unable to hold his food down he decided to spend the night in the city.
The following morning 50 went to see his doctor where his temperature and blood pressure were checked, both of which were normal. He left the doctor’s office then went and got changed so he could do an interview DJ Drama at for his Gangsta Grillz mixtape. At that point 50 fell ill once again. He felt light headed, started sweating and having abdominal cramps due to dehydration and not having any food left in his stomach. He immediately went to the hospital where doctors gave him morphine for the pain. He was given a dye to drink and went through a cat scan which revealed he had a blockage in his small intestine.
At that point 50 was given the option of having a tube placed down his nose into his stomach to relieve the blockage or have surgery. After four unsuccessful attempts to remove the blockage with the tube doctors decided that method was not going to work. As of now he is being observed to see if anything changes, if not he will have to undergo surgery.