CBS has ordered the “Beverly Hills Cop” adaptation from Shawn Ryan, Eddie Murphy and Sony Pictures TV. After fielding hefty offers from each of the Big Four networks, Sony Pictures TV settled on CBS as the best home for the revival of the franchise that yielded three movies starring Eddie Murphy in 1984, ’87 and 1994. The new spin will revolve around the son of Murphy’s Axel Foley character, a cop transplanted from Detroit to Beverly Hills. Aaron Foley is a blue-collar cop who is also on the force and struggling to escape the shadow of his father. CBS has given the show a firm
pilot production commitment. Murphy will appear in the pilot and may be a recurring character if the show is picked up to series. Ryan and Murphy are executive producers with Marney Hochman Nash of Ryan’s Sony-based Midd Kid Prods.
CBS had the edge over its rivals in landing the project because of its strong track record with action-dramas with “NCIS,” “NCIS: Los Angeles” and “Hawaii 5-0.” CBS Entertainment prexy Nina Tassler said the network jumped at the chance to be in biz with Ryan, who previously steered the CBS drama “The Unit” from 2006-2009, and Murphy.