Frequent Jay Elect-collaborator Jeymes Samuel throws his two cents in the pot for his homie’s upcoming (and very long-awaited) album….from NME:
Samuel is one of the producers on the Jay-Z-signed rapper’s debut release. Speaking to NME, the English artist said: “Honestly, it’s in the last stages of recording. It’s just tinkering. Just putting the final… you know when a builder builds a house? And when he’s finished the walls he gives them one little brush over, like a once over? And then the album will be done.”
Signed by Jay Z to Roc Nation in 2010, Jay Electronica tweeted, “ok, now it’s my turn,” hours after Jay Z released his latest album ‘Magna Carta Holy Grail’. Samuel explained: “His album is amazing, it’s remarkable. It is the perfect… It goes hand in hand with ‘Yeezus’ and ‘Magna Carta…’. They go hand in hand… Also, also… It’s weird how Jay Z is intricately involved with all of us, but all the albums sound so different.”