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Two Innocent Bystanders Shot By NYPD In Times Square

From the NY Daily News:

Two NYPD cops opened fire at a deranged man a block from Times Square — as he pretended to point a gun at them — but instead struck a pair of innocent bystanders Saturday night, police said.

The 35-year-old man was behaving wildly in the middle of W. 42nd St. at Eighth Ave. about 9:36 p.m. when he was confronted by the officers, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

As officers tried to corral the hulking wacko, he suddenly “reached into his pocket, took out his hand, and simulated as if he was shooting at them,” Kelly said.

One officer fired a single shot at the man but missed.

The second officer squeezed off two rounds that also went wayward, Kelly said.

A 54-year-old woman who uses a walker was struck in the lower right leg and rushed to Bellevue Hospital.

A 35-year-old woman suffered a graze wound to the buttocks and was transported to Roosevelt Hospital.

The man, who was not identified, was arrested. He was unarmed when he was taken into custody.

“The only thing the individual had on his person was a wallet which was recovered from his right rear pocket,” Kelly said.

You can read more on the story here.

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