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RECAP — Million Man March: Justice Or Else

If you missed it, Minister Louis Farrakhan’s #JusticeOrElse march/rally (also being dubbed as the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March; you can watch in full here) took place on the National Mall, and brought out iconic numbers of supporters — Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans and all different races and cultures. The speakers on hand addressed topics in a variety of forms, ranging from poetry/Hip-Hop (Mysonne) to a very dope display of unity between groups that the media portrays as enemies (ie. the speakers representing Haiti and the Dominican Republic). It was a very emotional time for the everyday man, woman and child, celebrities that attended and those that have lost lives to racism and police brutality.

The footage you’re checking out above comes from HOT 97, who got some great recap footage of the #JusticeOrElse march. In addition, you can check out some footage of a pre-event that took place at Union Temple Baptist Church (below).

It’s truly crazy how the media (for the most part) actively turned their backs to this event, yet has been so vocal about many other, able-to-be-twisted-into-the-negative matters involving people of color.

Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam held the 20th anniversary on 10-10-15 in DC. We talked to some families of that had their loved ones taken from them and it got emotional.

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